Joblee is a premium high quality React Native UI Kit Template with All of the features of a Job Finder / Job Seeker App. Joblee comes with a unique style and niche, you can easily edit and customize all screens and components using Nativewind(TailwindCSS) and speed up your development process for your projects.
Joblee has support for iOS/Android as it is built on top of React Native. With over 80+ screens which are 100% editable & customizable. In addition, the template is also equipped with a Light & Dark Theme that can be toggled in the settings.
Joblee is developed in a trendy and modern way, with all screens and components based on the Obytes Expo Boilerplate. Joblee is equipped with typography, iconography, color styles, components, variants, elements, buttons, input forms, alerts, avatars, checkboxes, chips, grids, toggles, and many others.
Joblee React Native UI Kit is suitable for:
✓ Job Finder App
✓ Job Seeker App
✓ Job Portal App
✓ Hiring & Recruitment App
✓ Work / Career & Employment App
✓ Chatting / Messenger App
Main App Features:
✓ Job Finder Mobile App with complete features & details
✓ Advanced Job Sort, Search, & Filter based on location, salary expectations, experience, education, keyword search, job level, job type, employment type, etc.
✓ Saved / Bookmark Jobs Features, Job Details & Apply job
✓ Complete Profile Management, & CV / Resume creation tools
✓ Track Job Application Status & Schedule Interviews via video conferencing
✓ In-App-Messaging Features
✓ Onboarding, Sign up, Sign in, Forgot & Reset Password, Advanced Account Setup, Help Center (FAQ & Contact Support), Advanced Settings, & More
What's Inside:
✓ 80+ Ready-made Screens
✓ 265+ Components & Variants
✓ Expo Vector Icons
✓ 100% Auto Layout
✓ And much more
Note: All photo assets/images in the preview are included.
Assets: Unsplash, StorySet